Raspberry Pi 4 Computer Complete Set Pack-2

  • ১ টি রাস্পবেরি পাই 4 (Made in UK)
  • RAM: 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 8GB (পছন্দ করে নিতে পারবেন)
  • একসাথে দুটি HDMI মনিটর লাগানো যায়।  
  • ১ টি কুলিং Acrylic ফ্যান কেস। 
  • রাস্পবেরি পাই এর হিট সিংক। 
  • রাস্পবেরি পাই এর ইউএসবি -সি পাওয়ার এডাপটার সুইচ সহ। 
  • ট্রান্সসেন্ড অথবা স্যানডিস্ক ব্রান্ডের জেনুইন ১৬ জিবি অথবা ৩২ জিবি মেমরি কার্ড প্রি-ইনস্টলড অপারেটিং সিস্টেম সহ। 
  • বিল্ট ইন Wi-Fi & Bluetooth
  • গিগাবিট ইথারনেট পোর্ট।  
  • ২ টি USB 3.0 & ২ টি USB 2.0
MicroSD Card Size
BDT 24,820
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রাস্পবেরি পাই এর কমপ্লিট সেটটি ২৪ ঘন্টা ব্যবহারের জন্য এর সাথে আছে Acrylic কুলিং ফ্যান কেস এবং হিটসিংক।  এটি আপনার ওয়েব সার্ভার হিসেবে অথবা অনলাইন এপপ্স রান করানোর জন্য পারফেক্ট চয়েস। এন্ড্রোইড এপপ্স ডেভেলপাররা তাদের এপপ্স এর ডাটা ওয়েবসার্ভার তৈরি করেও এটা ২৪ ঘন্টা রান করতে পারবে। যেহেতু মেমরি কার্ড থেকে অপারেটিং সিস্টেম থেকে বুট হয় তাই উচ্চ ক্ষমতা সম্পন্ন মেমরি কার্ড (ক্লাস ১০) ব্যবহার করতে হবে।  আমাদের কমপ্লিট সেট এর সাথে আপনি জেনুইন 32GB, 64GB অথবা 128GB মেমরি কার্ড প্রি-ইনস্টলড অপারেটিং সিস্টেম সহকারে পাবেন। পাওয়ার এডাপ্টার হিসেবে থাকছে ৫ ভোল্ট ৩.০ এম্প USB-C Type এর পাওয়ার সাপ্লাই, যা আপনারা রাস্পবেরি পাই কে নিখুঁত ভাবে পাওয়ার দিবে এবং এডাপ্টারের সাথে আছে পাওয়ার অন অফ করার সুইচ। নিম্নমানের মোবাইল চার্জার রাস্পবেরি পাইয়ের পাওয়ার এডাপটার হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা থেকে বিরত থাকুন। আর আপনি ইচ্ছা করলে আমাদের কাছ থেকে রাস্পবেরি পাই এর অফিসিয়াল পাওয়ার এডাপটার  থেকে কিনতে পারবেন আলাদা ভাবে।  

এই সেটটি সম্পূর্ণ ইনস্টলড অবস্থায় পাবেন। আপনার শুধুমাত্র এইচডিএমই মনিটর, কীবোর্ড এবং মাউস কানেক্ট করলেই হবে। এটি একসাথে দুটি মনিটর লাগানো যায়। মাইক্রো এইচডিএমই থেকে এইচডিএমই ক্যাবল ব্যবহার করতে হবে।     

আপনি কেনার সময় RAM পছন্দ মতো কিনতে পারবেন যেমন: 1GB, 2GB 4GB অথবা 8GB

পরবর্তীতে RAM বাড়ানো যাবে না যেহেতু RAM বোর্ড এর সাথে ফিক্সড। 

ওয়্যারলেস নেটওয়ার্কিং এর জন্য আছে বিল্ট ইন ওয়াইফাই এবং ব্লুটুথ। নেটওয়ার্কিং এর জন্য আছে জিবিপিএস ল্যান পোর্ট। ৪ টি ইউএসবি ২.০ পোর্ট আছে।  অপারেটিং সিস্টেম রান করানোর জন্য মেমরি কার্ড স্লট দেয়া আছে।  যেহেতু মেমরি কার্ড থেকে অপারেটিং সিস্টেম থেকে বুট হয় তাই উচ্চ ক্ষমতা সম্পন্ন মেমরি কার্ড (ক্লাস ১০) ব্যবহার করতে হবে।  আমাদের কমপ্লিট সেট এর সাথে আপনি ট্রান্সসেন্ড অথবা স্যানডিস্ক ব্রান্ডের জেনুইন ১৬ জিবি অথবা ৩২ জিবি মেমরি কার্ড প্রি-ইনস্টলড অপারেটিং সিস্টেম সহকারে পাবেন।     

আমাদের কমপ্লিট সেটে মেমরি কার্ড প্রি-ইনস্টলড অপারেটিং সিস্টেম সহকারে পাবেন এবং সেটা পার্টিশন অবস্থায় পাবেন। মেমোরি কার্ডটি অন্য কম্পিউটার দিয়ে ফরম্যাট করবেন না।

আমরা মেমরি কার্ড এর স্পিড USB ৩.০ কার্ড রিডার দ্বারা চেক করে দেখেছি। যেহেতু অপারেটিং সিস্টেম সরাসরি রান হয় তাই এর রিড এবং রাইট স্পিড খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। 

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B is the latest product in the popular Raspberry Pi range of computers. It offers a ground-breaking increase in processor speed, multimedia performance, memory, and connectivity compared to the prior-generation Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ while retaining backward compatibility and similar power consumption. For the end-user, Raspberry Pi 4 Model B provides desktop performance comparable to entry-level x86 PC systems. RoboticsBD

Pi 4 B is upgraded with Latest High-Performance Quad-Core 64-bit Broadcom 2711, Cortex A72  processor clocked at 1.5GHz speed. Which is designed to use 20% less power or offer 90% greater performance than its old version. Hardware upgrade on Pi4 developed for faster performance not only the loading time with all-new 4GB LPDDR4 SDRAM but also in connectivity with Dual-band 2.4GHz and 5GHz, 802.11 b/g/n/ac wireless LAN and PoE capability via a separate PoE HAT. In addition to its USB 3.0, improve the transfer speed by 10x than USB 2.0 to provide you significantly faster true Gigabit internet experience.

With this new upgrade of the Pi, you will need some additional accessories that will definitely benefit you at a cheaper price. Along with RPi4, the kit includes a high-quality USB type-C power supply, HDMI cable, and RPi4 case. Hold on, we have more, it also includes a 16GB class 10 SD card. Once you have the kit in your hand all you have to do is assemble and start working on it.

We have made the combo of this essential product needful for new upgraded hardware of your favorite Raspberry Pi 4 and you can get it all in one go. So get it and fast-track your journey with Latest Raspberry Pi 4 Model B. RoboticsBD

Raspberry Pi 4 technology:

Now you can enjoy 4K video using Pi 4 as video performance on Pi 4 B is also upgraded with onBoard Dual-display support at resolutions up to 4K via a pair of micro-HDMI ports,  which supports H 265 Decode (4Kp60), H.264, and MPEG-4 decode (1080p60).

With the latest Bluetooth 5.0 technology make IoT solution better with 2 x Speed, 4 x Range, and 8 x Data transfer speed, having such a faster and long-distance connectivity, you will experience peripheral’s Bluetooth connectivity on the next level than before. Furthermore, One big needful upgrade that Pi foundation has made in Raspberry Pi 4 B is Type-C USB Port from which Pi can take up to 3A current to operate, and hence now Pi 4 can provide more power to onboard chips and peripherals interfaced as well.

Key Features:

Your new desktop computer:
  1. The speed and performance of the new Raspberry Pi 4 is a step up from earlier models. For the first time, we've built a complete desktop experience. Whether you're editing documents, browsing the web with a bunch of tabs open, juggling spreadsheets or drafting a presentation, you'll find the experience smooth and very recognizable — but on a smaller, more energy-efficient and much more cost-effective machine. RoboticsBD
  2. Desktop PC replacement Silent, energy-efficient The fanless, energy-efficient Raspberry Pi runs silently and uses far less power than other computers.
  3. Networking Fast networking Raspberry Pi 4 comes with Gigabit Ethernet, along with onboard wireless networking and Bluetooth.
  4. USB 3 Your new Raspberry Pi 4 has upgraded USB capacity: along with two USB 2 ports you'll find two USB 3 ports, which can transfer data up to ten times faster.
  5. Choice of RAM

Faster processing:

  1. With one of the latest Broadcom 2711; Quad-Core Cortex A72 (ARM V8-A)  64-bit SoC Clocked at  1.5GHz  processor improved power consumption; and thermals on the Pi 4+B means that the CPU on the BCM2837 SoC can now run at 1.5 GHz; a 20% increase on the previous Pi 3 model (which ran at 1.2GHz).
  2. Video performance on Pi 4 B is upgraded with dual-display support at resolutions up to 4K via a pair of micro-HDMI ports; hardware video decode at up to 4Kp60 which supports H 265 Decode (4Kp60); H.264, and MPEG-4 decode (1080p60).

Faster wireless:

  1. A significant change on the Pi 4 B compared to the previous Pi 3 models is the inclusion of a new faster; dual-band wireless chip with 802.11 b/g/n/ac wireless LAN.
  2. The dual-band 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless LAN enables faster networking with less interference and the new PCB antenna technology allow better reception.
  3. The latest 5.0 Bluetooth allows you to use a wireless keyboard/trackpad with more range than before without extra dongles; keeping things nice and tidy.

Enhanced Ethernet Connectivity:

  1. The Pi 4 B has significantly faster-wired networking with USB 3.0 technology; thanks to an upgraded USB/LAN chip; and you should see speeds that are 10x faster than on previous models of the Pi.
  2. The GPIO header remains the same, with 40 pins; fully backward-compatible with previous boards as on the previous three models of Pi. However; it should note that the new PoE header pins may contact components on the underside of some HATs; like Rainbow HAT. Some standoffs will prevent any mischief from occurring though!


  1. Broadcom BCM2711, Quad-core Cortex-A72 (ARM v8) 64-bit SoC @ 1.5GHz
  2. 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz IEEE 802.11ac wireless, Bluetooth 5.0, BLE
  3. Gigabit Ethernet
  4. 2 USB 3.0 ports; 2 USB 2.0 ports.
  5. Raspberry Pi standard 40 pin GPIO header (fully backward compatible with previous boards)
  6. 2 × micro-HDMI ports (up to 4kp60 supported)
  7. 2-lane MIPI DSI display port
  8. 2-lane MIPI CSI camera port
  9. 4-pole stereo audio and composite video port
  10. H.265 (4kp60 decode), H264 (1080p60 decode, 1080p30 encode)
  11. OpenGL ES 3.0 graphics
  12. Micro-SD card slot for loading operating system and data storage
  13. 5V DC via USB-C connector (minimum 3A*)
  14. 5V DC via GPIO header (minimum 3A*)
  15. Power over Ethernet (PoE) enabled (requires separate PoE HAT)
  16. Operating temperature: 0 – 50 degrees C ambient

General Specification
Model Raspberry Pi 4 Model-B with (SELECTED) RAM
Processor Broadcom BCM2711, quad-core Cortex-A72 (ARM v8) 64-bit SoC @ 1.5GHz
Connectivity 2 × USB 2.0 Ports
2 × USB 3.0 Ports
2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz IEEE 802.11b/g/n/ac wireless LAN,
BLE Gigabit Ethernet
Bluetooth 5.0
Operating Power 5V 3A DC via GPIO Header
5V 3A DC via USB Type-C Connector
Power Over Ethernet (PoE)–Enabled (requires separate PoE HAT)
GPIO (Fully backwar ds-compatible with previous boards)
Standard 40-pin GPIO Header
Multimedia H.264 (1080p60 decode, 1080p30 encode);
H.265 (4Kp60 decode);
OpenGL ES, 3.0 Graphics
Video and Sound 2 × micro HDMI ports (up to 4Kp60 supported)
2-Lane MIPI CSI Camer a Port
2-Lane MIPI DSI Display Port
4-Pole Stereo Audio and Composite Video Port
Clock Speed 1.5 GHz
Micro-SD Card Slot Yes (FAT32 format), support maximum 32G Micro SD Card Memory Features
Operating Temperature Range (°C) 0 to 50
Dimensions (mm) LxWxH 85 x 56 x 19
Weight (gm) 52
UPC 692759968863
Shipment Weight 0.150 kg
Shipment Dimensions 18 × 18 × 6 cm


আমরা মেমরি কার্ড এর স্পিড USB ৩.০ কার্ড রিডার দ্বারা চেক করে দেখেছি। যেহেতু অপারেটিং সিস্টেম সরাসরি রান হয় তাই এর রিড এবং রাইট স্পিড খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। 



  1. Download NOOBS.  here.  Beginners should start with the NOOBS (New Out Of Box Software) operating system installation manager; which gives the user a choice of an operating system from the standard distributions.
  2. Raspbian is the recommended operating system for normal use on a Raspberry Pi. Find help with installing Raspbian on your Pi in our online Getting started guide.
  3. You can browse basic examples to help you get started with some of the software available in Raspbian, find more detail about the Raspbian operating system, or read the information on fundamental Linux usage and commands for navigating the Raspberry Pi and managing its file system and users.
  4. To explore all other  Operating System supported by Raspberry Pi 4  click here.

Package Includes:

1 x Raspberry Pi 4 Computer Complete Set Pack-2

What is the price of Raspberry Pi 4 Computer Complete Set Pack-2 in Bangladesh?

The latest price of Raspberry Pi 4 Computer Complete Set Pack-2 in Bangladesh is BDT 24,820 You can buy the Raspberry Pi 4 Computer Complete Set Pack-2 at best price from our RoboticsBD or visit RoboticsBD Office.

Please note that the product information provided on our website may not be entirely accurate as it is collected from various sources on the web. While we strive to provide the most up-to-date information possible, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. We recommend that you always read the product labels, warnings, and directions before using any product.

Product Images are shown for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product.

Product Details

Specific References

Md. Shihab Uddin Ahmed
All the products are good quality
Raspberry pi4
Intaj Uddin Rakib
এদের সব ঠিক আছে। কিন্তু raspberry pi4 এর সাথে যে power adaptor দিয়েছে সেটা তেমন ভালো না। ওটা দিয়ে কাজ করা যায় না। আর বাকি গুলা সব টিক আছে
Solid stuff
Rafid Mohammod
I personally loved that they already set the case, fan and heatsinks up beforehand.
Neutral Impression
Syed Mishar Newaz
I have found this package unsatisfactory. The microSD, 5v adapter, heatsinks are just crap. The adapter is barely able to provide 5 volt, which causes throttling. MicroSD is slow and I already had one lying around. the heatsinks don\'t even fit properly. The package is overpriced as well. I just bought it, because the motherboard only version was unavailable. However, after replacing those craps with some affordable yet way better ones, the pi 4 is working great, alHamdulillaah
Overall good
সব কিছু ঠিকঠাক কিন্তু power adapter এখান থেকে না নেওয়াই শ্রেয় কারন যতটুকু voltage দেয়া প্রয়োজন তা এই power adapter দিতে ব্যর্থ হয়েছে আর বারবার screen a low voltage show করছিলো যা অত্যন্ত ক্ষতিকর pi circuit board টির জন্য! আর তাছাড়া সব কিছু আলহামদুলিল্লাহ ঠিকঠাক পেয়েছি
You can do plenty of fun projects with it. Definitely get one.
Genuine Product
No problem with the product. It is working well.
Good Products.
Cloud Project.
Always good Products
Farhan Ishraq
The quality of the product is really good. I have been using it for almost a month now and it is still performing as it did when first booted.
Very Good Service.
Faqrul Wahed Khan
Very Good Service, I got my Product in 24 Hour\'s \r\nBut, Please Include the Official Power Supply. This Power Supply isn\'t providing enough power.\r\n
Raspberry Pi 4 Computer Complete Set Pack-2 - Micr
Sadi Mohammad
Internet Speed
Abul Khayer
Working great with ethernet cable
Perfect Machine
Good quality, good service. Using Raspberry pi 4 4GB of RAM with Kali Linux OS ...
Minhajul Islam
The raspberry pi is good but I had some issues with wifi and the preloaded OS didn\'t want to work this I had to install the OS again but otherwise extremely satisfied the power adapter has a tendency to show lower power than required so I guess I have to get a different adapter, the case is quite nice and the fan helps it remain cool quite a lot
Blazing fast
Model 4 with 4 gigs is just way more awesome to work with. I had it being used in my custom wireless printer server and a mini NAS for shared printer JOB storage. It just chew through anything throwing at it. Nice to have one of this.
Sourav Mitra
Awasome Product & Good Client Service of Robotics BD
Fully satisfied
Bought a Raspberry PI 4. Everything was set and quality was as describe. Appreciate the packaging quality as well. Well done Robotics BD, highly recommende.
Great product
Zahan Zib Sarowar Dhrubo
I\'m very much satisfied with the rpi 4. It\'s fast and reliable. Loved it!
Best for use with monitor
Mir Shakil
No issue no single fault. I am satisfied
Md Manik
Key pad
not Sow on-screen keyboard
Everything is set and ready to go
Very nice, everything is assembled and ready to use. Just plug in and play with my very first Raspberry pi.\r\nYou should also buy HDMI Male to HDMI Male Cable for Pi 4, if you don\'t have one.
accelent condition though rasbian os wasn\'t up to date
The Micro SD card reader or converter to connect with laptop is missing
5 out of 5
Tanvir Hassan
It was a great deal . Sob kisu thik thak chilo. Price ta acceptable.....
Great One
Md. Sakif Uddin Khan
Everything including the case is pretty much good.
Product quality
Mollah Md. Rafid Shadad
It was an awesome experience .... Overall packaging and other stuff was good...
HM Rezoan Duranto
Good packaging and authentic product, received in expected delivery time. Thanks RoboticsBD.
Abhijit Adhikary
works perfectly
Raspberry Pi 4 Computer Complete Set Pack-2
Jim AL Sadik
Very Good Quality. Fast Shipping. Payment and tracking notification via phone & email is very much useful.
Its good rn
Siful islam 01705699076
Goid product
Got everything as mentioned
Everything was packed nicely. Pi seems to be running ok.
Black screen problem

I got the product today .1st time i boot it . It worked perfectly second time i started the rassberry pi the screen remains blank . the Screen is blinking it is not showing up what is the problem



Did you directly plug it off?

If you have done it please load a new OS to the MMC.

100% authentic
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Reference: 1593

Raspberry Pi 4 Computer Complete Set with Argon One V2 Case

১ টি রাস্পবেরি পাই 4 (Made in UK) RAM: 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 8GB (পছন্দ করে নিতে পারবেন) একসাথে দুটি HDMI মনিটর লাগানো যায়।   ১ টি Argon One V2 Case কেস।  রাস্পবেরি পাই এর ইউএসবি -সি পাওয়ার এডাপটার সুইচ সহ।  ট্রান্সসেন্ড অথবা স্যানডিস্ক ব্রান্ডের জেনুইন ১৬ জিবি অথবা ৩২ জিবি মেমরি কার্ড প্রি-ইনস্টলড অপারেটিং সিস্টেম সহ।  বিল্ট ইন Wi-Fi & Bluetooth গিগাবিট...

Price BDT 29,250
Official Power Supply for...
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Reference: RBD-1596

Official Power Supply for Raspberry Pi 4 (White)

Good Quality material 96-230Vac operating input range 50,000 hours MTBF Input Current: 0.5A maximum Input Power consumption (no load): 0.075W maximum USB-C connection goes straight into your Raspberry Pi

Price BDT 1,450
Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+/3B U100...
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Reference: RBD-1732

Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+/3B U100 UPS HAT Expansion Board with Cooling Fan

Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+/3B U100 UPS HAT Expansion Board  Cooling Fan

Price BDT 1,990

Argon ONE M.2 Case for...
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Reference: RBD-1828

Argon ONE M.2 Case for Raspberry Pi 4

Sleek aluminum alloy enclosure Plastic base for excellent Wi-Fi signal strength Easy installation with magnetic removable top Easily accessible GPIO with color-coded pinouts M.2 SATA SSD NOT INCLUDED

Price BDT 6,990

Raspberry Pi 4 8GB Computer...
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Reference: RBD-1841

Raspberry Pi 4 8GB Computer Complete Set with Argon ONE M.2 Case and Official Adapter

১ টি রাস্পবেরি পাই 4 (Made in UK) RAM: 8GB  একসাথে দুটি HDMI মনিটর লাগানো যায়।   ১ টি Argon ONE M.2 Case কেস।  রাস্পবেরি পাই এর Official Adapter ইউএসবি -সি  ট্রান্সসেন্ড অথবা স্যানডিস্ক ব্রান্ডের জেনুইন 32 জিবি অথবা 64 জিবি অথবা 128 জিবি মেমরি কার্ড প্রি-ইনস্টলড অপারেটিং সিস্টেম সহ।  বিল্ট ইন Wi-Fi & Bluetooth গিগাবিট ইথারনেট পোর্ট।   ২ টি USB 3.0...

Price BDT 30,250
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Raspberry Pi Compatible...
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Reference: RBD-1961

Raspberry Pi Compatible 160° FOV 5MP Fisheye Lens Wide Angle Camera Module

Wide-angle fish-eye lens Manual Adjustable Focus Field of View Angle: 160° Easy to install and Use Useful for real-time Photography and Videos

Price BDT 1,490
Raspberry Pi Case with Fan and Heatsink
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Reference: RBD-0906

Raspberry Pi Case with Fan and Heatsink

Slot for Cooling Fan Easy to assemble with Nut-Bolts included. RoboticsBD Cut-out for micro SC card at the bottom panel This simple case provides tough protection for your raspberry pi along with access to ports High Quality two-piece injection-molded ABS enclosure Click together design, no screws, standoffs or elastic bands required It is easy to use....

Price BDT 440
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3.5 inch RPi Display
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Reference: RBD-0305

3.5 inch RPi Display

LCD Type: TFT LCD Interface: SPI Touch Screen Type: Resistive Touch Screen Controller: XPT2046 Colors: 65536 Backlight: LED Resolution: 480*320 (Pixel) Dimensions: 84.91×56.54 (MM) Compatible with Raspberry Pi B, Raspberry Pi B+, Raspberry Pi 2 & Raspberry Pi 3

Price BDT 3,800
Raspberry Pi Power Cable...
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Reference: RBD-1067

Raspberry Pi Power Cable with On/Off Switch Micro-USB

Length: 1.0M Diameter: 3 mm. Color: Black Material: PE/PVC/ABS Micro-USB

Price BDT 190
3.5inch HDMI Display-B
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Reference: RBD-1929

3.5inch HDMI Display-B

General-purpose HDMI display, Connecting computers, TV boxes, Microsoft Xbox360, SONY PS4, Nintendo Switch and so on Can be used as Raspberry Pi display that supports Raspbian, Ubuntu, Kodi, Win10 IOT, single-touch, free drive Can be used as PC monitor, support Win7, Win8, Win10 system (No touch Function)

Price BDT 3,900

NVIDIA Jetson Nano 2GB...
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Reference: RBD-1549

NVIDIA Jetson Nano 2GB Developer Kit

Micro-USB: 5V 2A USB C: 5V 3A. 128-core NVIDIA Maxwell GPU Quad-core ARM A57 2 GB 64-bit LPDDR4 Connectivity by Gigabit Ethernet (RJ45)

Price BDT 10,990
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Black ABS Case With Fan...
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Reference: RBD-1059

Black ABS Case With Fan Hole + CPU Cooling Fan For Raspberry Pi 3/2, 3B+

This simple case provides tough protection for your raspberry pi along with access to ports High Quality two-piece injection-molded ABS enclosure Click together design, no screws, standoffs or elastic bands required It is easy to use. You just need to click them together after you fix your pi board on it with screws.

Price BDT 440
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On sale! Raspberry Pi 3 Transparent Acrylic Shell Case + Cooling Fan for Raspberry Pi 3
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Reference: RBD-0347

Transparent Acrylic Shell Case for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B/B+

9 Layer Acrylic stylish case with access to all Ports on Raspberry Pi 3 B/B+ Slot for Cooling Fan Easy to assemble with Nut-Bolts included Slots to route GPIO and CSI ribbon cable Cut-out for micro SC card at the bottom panel. RoboticsBD

Price BDT 545
SanDisk Ultra 32GB Ultra...
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Reference: RBD-1263

SanDisk Ultra 32GB Ultra MicroSD SDHC Original

Memory Size: 32 Gigabyte Card Type: Micro SD Speed: up to 98MB/s Class: 10 High-speed Card can be used for both Mobile phone and Raspberry Pi

Price BDT 850
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5V 3A Power Supply Adapter...
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Reference: RBD-1144

5V 3A Power Supply Adapter Charger C-Type

Input Voltage (V): 100 ~ 280 VAC @50 ~ 60Hz. Input current (mA): 100. Output Power: 5V 3A. Load regulation (%): ±5. Input Plug: 2-Pin Type A Japan Output Plug: Type C

Price BDT 470
Raspberry Pi Sense HAT
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Reference: RBD-0952

Raspberry Pi Sense HAT

Gyroscope. Accelerometer. Magnetometer. Temperature. Barometric pressure. Humidity.

Price BDT 4,833
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Raspberry Pi 4 Acrylic Case
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Reference: RBD-1242

Raspberry Pi 4 Acrylic Case

6-piece Acrylic case with access to all Ports on pi 4 Compatible for All variant of the Raspberry pi 4 Model B Slot for Cooling Fan Easy to assemble without any Screws or Nut-Bolts Slots to route GPIO and CSI ribbon cable Cut-out for micro SC card at the bottom panel Mounting holes and anti-slip rubber feet at the back.

Price BDT 299
10.1" Inch TFT Monitor HD 1024x600 Portable Color Display Screen
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Reference: RBD-0933

10.1 Inch TFT Monitor HD 1024x600 Portable Color Display Screen

10.1 inch resolution(1024x600) TFT Monitor,Clear Screen. Multifunctional Monitor Screen: HDMI/VGA/BNC/USB/AV Input, Dual High-quality Built-in Speakers Support Raspberry Pi & Windows PC Automatically. Built-in Media Player with Remote.

Price BDT 4,999
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DC 5V Brushless CPU Cooling...
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Reference: RBD-1623

DC 5V Brushless CPU Cooling Fan with Screws for Raspberry Pi 4

Noiseless Performance Very low Current consumption  Easy to install and connect.

Price BDT 190

Raspberry Pi 3 Kodi Home Theater
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Reference: RBD-0567

Raspberry Pi 3 Kodi Home Theater Complete Set

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Raspberry Pi Cooling Fan Case Heat Sink 16GB Class 10 MicroSD with KODI And Addon Installed HDMI Cable Raspberry Pi Power Adapter Raspberry Pi Remote Built in Wifi and Bluetooth OUT of Stock, Legacy Product

Price BDT 7,900
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Raspberry Pi 4 Acrylic...
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Reference: RBD-1165

Raspberry Pi 4 Acrylic Shell Case

9 Layer Acrylic stylish case with access to all Ports on pi 4 Compatible for All variant of the Raspberry pi 4 Model B Slot for Cooling Fan Easy to assemble with Nut-Bolts included Slots to route GPIO and CSI ribbon cable Cut-out for micro SC card at the bottom panel

Price BDT 555

Waveshare 10.1 Inch...
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Reference: RBD-1735

Waveshare 10.1 Inch Capacitive Touch Screen LCD (B) with Case 1280×800 HDMI-Compatible IPS display

Original Waveshare IPS screen,1280x800 high resolution Capacitive touch control supports up to ten-points touch When works with Raspberry Pi, supports Raspbian, Ubuntu, single touch, and driver free When working as a computer monitor, supports Windows 10/8.1/8/7, ten-points touch, and driver free Supports Banana Pi, Banana Pro, comes with Lubuntu,...

Price BDT 12,990
Raspberry Pi Power Adapter...
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Reference: RBD-0110

Raspberry Pi Power Adapter Micro USB

রাস্পবেরি পাই এর জন্য একটি স্ট্যাবল পাওয়ার সাপ্লাই এর প্রয়োজনীয়তা অনেক।  আমরা অনেক পাওয়ার সাপ্লাই টেস্ট করে এর এই পাওয়ার সাপ্লাইটির ক্যাপাসিটি সন্তোষজনক পেয়েছি। যদিও মেনশন করা  5V,3A. আমরা আমাদের টেস্ট এ  5V, 1.5Amp+ কনস্ট্যান্ট কারেন্ট পেয়েছি। যদি আপনার খুব বেশি পেরিফেরাল না দরকার হয় তবে এটি ব্যবহার করতে পারেন।  এছাড়া আমাদের কাছে অরজিনাল রাস্পবেরি পাই এর...

Price BDT 390
Raspberry Pi Power Cable...
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Reference: RBD-1933

Raspberry Pi Power Cable with On/Off Switch Type C USB

Length: 1M Diameter: 3 mm. Color: Black Material: PE/PVC/ABS

Price BDT 220
Raspberry Pi Heat Sink 3 Pcs
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Reference: RBD-1247

Raspberry Pi Heat Sink 3 Pcs

Reduces the risk of hardware failure due to overheating Low profile, will fit into most cases. Simple, Passive cooling. No need for noisy fans. Perfectly sized for the RPi’s CPU

Price BDT 150

NVIDIA Jetson Nano...
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Reference: RBD-1373

NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit-B01

STOCK OUT Micro-USB: 5V 2A DC power adapter: 5V 4A. 128-core NVIDIA Maxwell™ GPU Quad-core ARM® A57 CPU 4 GB 64-bit LPDDR4

Price BDT 14,900
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Raspberry Pi 4 Case –...
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Reference: RBD-1234

Raspberry Pi 4 Case – Red/White

Easy two-piece installation design Hole for mounting the pi inside the case Rubber pad grip at the bottom Precise access to all port and status LEDs with Symbols Raspberry LOGO on Top

Price BDT 599
Raspberry Pi 4 Power Supply...
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Reference: RBD-1690

Raspberry Pi 4 Power Supply 5V 3A USB Type C

ON/OFF switch button on the power adapter.  Very convenient for use. 5V 3A standard power supply for Raspberry Pi 4 Model B. There is CE certification for the power adapter. Best Adapter for Raspberry Pi 4

Price BDT 680
Gravity: Expansion Board...
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Reference: RBD-1971

Brand: DFRobot

Gravity: Expansion Board for Raspberry Pi Pico

Gravity Expansion Board Designed for Raspberry Pi Pico Compatible with a variety of Gravity sensors and modules. Gravity Expansion Board for Pico All pins brought out, no soldering required Additional Communication Ports: Digital IO, Analog IO, I2C, SPI, UART, GDI Note: The product not include Raspberry Pi Pico. Buy Raspberry Pi Pico here. Buy Raspberry...

Price BDT 850
Raspberry Pi 4 Aluminum...
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Reference: RBD-1143

Raspberry Pi 4 Aluminum Alloy Case with Cooling Fan

Type: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Aluminum Alloy Metal Case Material: Black/Silver Aluminum Alloy Metal Compatible For Raspberry PI4 Model B Easy to install, Ultra-thin design. All ports and slots of the case can match with Raspberry Pi 4 Model B perfectly

Price BDT 850
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3.5inch RPi LCD (A), 320×480 (Original Waveshare)
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Reference: RBD-0339

Brand: Waveshare

3.5inch Resistive Touch Display (B) for Raspberry Pi

3.5inch Resistive Touch Display (B) For Raspberry Pi 480×320 IPS Screen SPI Check out New Product 3.5inch HDMI Display-B

Price BDT 3,900
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Official Power Supply for...
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Reference: RBD-1596

Official Power Supply for Raspberry Pi 4 (White)

Good Quality material 96-230Vac operating input range 50,000 hours MTBF Input Current: 0.5A maximum Input Power consumption (no load): 0.075W maximum USB-C connection goes straight into your Raspberry Pi

Price BDT 1,450
Raspberry Pi 3 Enclosure Box with Cooling Fan
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Reference: RBD-0577

Raspberry Pi 3 Enclosure Box with Cooling Fan

Acrylic case with a mini cooling fan mounted inside All ports are accessible. RoboticsBD Slots to route GPIO and CSI ribbon cable Cut-out for micro SC card at the bottom panel Dimensions in mm (LxWxH): 91x66x30 Weight (gm): 44

Price BDT 450
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Raspberry Pi Camera Module...
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Reference: RBD-0568

Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 - 8 Megapixel,1080p

Fixed focus lens on-board Improved resolution – 8-Megapixel native resolution sensor-capable of 3280 x 2464 pixel static images Supports 1080p30, 720p60 and 640x480p90 video Size 25mm x 23mm x 9mm Weight just over 3g Connects to the Raspberry Pi board via a short ribbon cable (supplied) Camera v2 is supported in the latest version of Raspbian, Raspberry...

Price BDT 4,690

Raspberry Pi 4 Computer...
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Reference: 1141

Raspberry Pi 4 Computer Complete Set

১ টি রাস্পবেরি পাই 4 (Made in UK) RAM: 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 8GB (পছন্দ করে নিতে পারবেন) একসাথে দুটি HDMI মনিটর লাগানো যায়।   ১ টি কুলিং অ্যালুমিনিয়াম মেটাল ফ্যান কেস।  রাস্পবেরি পাই এর হিট সিংক।  রাস্পবেরি পাই এর ইউএসবি -সি পাওয়ার এডাপটার সুইচ সহ।  ট্রান্সসেন্ড অথবা স্যানডিস্ক ব্রান্ডের জেনুইন ১৬ জিবি অথবা ৩২ জিবি মেমরি কার্ড প্রি-ইনস্টলড অপারেটিং সিস্টেম সহ।...

Price BDT 26,920
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Standard LCD 16x2 Display

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Price BDT 240
Battery 9V
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Battery 9V

Constant 9V Output till lasts Metal Jacket Body Good Built Quality and hence Leakproof Easy to install and Replace Corrosion free Connector Point for long-term use 0% Mercury and Cadmium. Environment-friendly OEM Compatible. RoboticsBD

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Breadboard (Medium Size)
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Breadboard (Medium Size)

400 tie points 2 Power lanes, Total 100 tie points in power lanes 1 Double strip, Total 300 tie points Perfect for Arduino shield prototyping and testing Plastic housing, metal contact clips

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PIR Motion Sensor
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Reference: RBD-0023

PIR Motion Sensor

Wide Working Voltage Range: DC 4.5V- 20V Current Drain: <60uA Detection Angle: <140° Detection Distance: 3 to 7m (can be adjusted) Blockade time: 2.5s (Default)  Work temperature: -20-+80°C

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XIAOR Tracked Tank Chassis
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XIAOR Tracked Tank Chassis

Car body Material: Aluminum Alloy Car Wheel: Plastic Car strap: Plastic Color: Blue Input Voltage: 12V Weight: 1.2KG Motor & Tanks Chassis is included. No Electronics Parts

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Raspberry Pi 4 Computer...
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Reference: 1141

Raspberry Pi 4 Computer Complete Set

১ টি রাস্পবেরি পাই 4 (Made in UK) RAM: 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 8GB (পছন্দ করে নিতে পারবেন) একসাথে দুটি HDMI মনিটর লাগানো যায়।   ১ টি কুলিং অ্যালুমিনিয়াম মেটাল ফ্যান কেস।  রাস্পবেরি পাই এর হিট সিংক।  রাস্পবেরি পাই এর ইউএসবি -সি পাওয়ার এডাপটার সুইচ সহ।  ট্রান্সসেন্ড অথবা স্যানডিস্ক ব্রান্ডের জেনুইন ১৬ জিবি অথবা ৩২ জিবি মেমরি কার্ড প্রি-ইনস্টলড অপারেটিং সিস্টেম সহ।...

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Raspberry Pi Camera Module...
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Reference: RBD-0568

Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 - 8 Megapixel,1080p

Fixed focus lens on-board Improved resolution – 8-Megapixel native resolution sensor-capable of 3280 x 2464 pixel static images Supports 1080p30, 720p60 and 640x480p90 video Size 25mm x 23mm x 9mm Weight just over 3g Connects to the Raspberry Pi board via a short ribbon cable (supplied) Camera v2 is supported in the latest version of Raspbian, Raspberry...

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MQ-9 Gas Leakage Detection Sensor
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Reference: RBD-0678

MQ-9 Gas Leakage Detection Sensor

Good sensitivity to CO/Combustible Gas High sensitivity to Methane, Propane, and CO Long life and low cost Simple drive circuit Input voltage: DC 5±0.2V Current Consumption: 150mA

Price BDT 194

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