RFID Starter Kit - Retail
This kit includes everything you need to get started with RFID. It includes a USB RFID board, ID-12LA RFID reader, and 2 RFID cards.
The RFID USB Reader is a simple to use, USB to serial base unit for the ID-3LA, ID-12LA, and ID-20LA readers. Simply pluga reader into the
headers and attach a miniUSB cable. Open a terminal program of your choice at 9600bps 8N1, then scan your 125kHzI D tag and the unique
32-bit ID will be shown on the screen. The unit is based on a FTDI chip and comes with a read LED and buzzer.
The ID-12LA is a very simple RFID reader module. It plugs directly into the USB reader to allow you to read RFID tags through a
USB connection. Power the module, hold up a card, and get a serial string output containing the unique ID of the card.
Note: This new version of the RFID Starter Kit comes with the ID-12LA, which is essentially the same as the ID-12, but has a lower voltage input.