Nextion 7" Display NX8048K070 Resistive Touch Screen HMI Display


Nextion 7 Display NX8048K070 Resistive Touch Screen UART HMI LCD Panel 800x480 for Arduino Raspberry Pi

  • The Nextion Enhanced versions are more powerful.
  • Compare to the basic Nextion displays, the new ones have added some new functions: support built-in RTC, support save data to Flash, support GPIO, larger flash capacity and faster CPU.
  • Nextion includes hardware part (a series of TFT boards) and software part (the Nextion editor).
  • The Nextion TFT board uses only one serial port to communicate. It lets you avoid the hassle of wiring.
BDT 13,250

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Why use Nextion ?

-For example, adding a static picture as your background and defining functions by components, you can easily and quickly make a simple GUI in only a few minutes.

-With the drag and drop components and simple ASCII text-based instructions, you do not have to spend a huge amount of time on your HMI project development.




Nextion Display Connection

Nextion display has a built-in ARM microcontroller that controls display, for example it takes care of generating buttons, creating text, store images or change background. Nextion display communicates with any microcontroller using serial at a 9600 baud rate.

So, Nextion screen works with any board that has serial capabilities like Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, ESP32 etc.

Upload TFT file to Nextion Display

-Format your card and ensure it's FAT32 format

-Open Nextion Editor,HMI file, check compile,then it will show "Compile Successful!"

-Click "TFT file output", Save this TFT file in your card. Pls make sure there is only one TFT file in your card

-Insert card to Nextion card slot, power Nextion display

-On nextion display, it shows " SD Card Update...." when it start to upload file.

-After file uploaded, nextion display shows "Update Successed!"

Nextion Display Weather Station Kit

Nextion display could be used together with other accessories to assemble DIY kit, for example weather station kit.

What is the price of Nextion 7" Display NX8048K070 Resistive Touch Screen HMI Display in Bangladesh?

The latest price of Nextion 7" Display NX8048K070 Resistive Touch Screen HMI Display in Bangladesh is BDT 13,250 You can buy the Nextion 7" Display NX8048K070 Resistive Touch Screen HMI Display at best price from our RoboticsBD or visit RoboticsBD Office.

Please note that the product information provided on our website may not be entirely accurate as it is collected from various sources on the web. While we strive to provide the most up-to-date information possible, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. We recommend that you always read the product labels, warnings, and directions before using any product.

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