EMW3162 WIFI Shield consists of a base board and a WiFi module
EMW3162. It allows you to connect your Arduino/Nucleo board with
the Internet. Thanks to the EMW3162 WIFI Shield, WiFi communication
will become easy for devices that feature Arduino connectivity.
What's on Board
1. Arduino interface : for connecting with Arduino boards and/or Arduino shields
2. EMW3162 connector : for connecting the WiFi module EMW3162
3. EMW3162 extend pin headers : access to the common used pins of EMW3162
4. SWD interface : for programming and debugging
5. USB TO UART interface : for UART debugging and/or firmware updating
6. FT230XS : onboard USB to UART converter
7. RT9193-33 : onboard 3.3V regulator
8. Fuse : 500mA fast self-recovery fuse
9. BOOT switch
turn to H, the BOOT pin will be connected to 3.3V
turn to L, the BOOT pin will be connected to GND
10. STATUS switch
turn to H, the STATUS pin will be connected to 3.3V
turn to L, the STATUS pin will be connected to GND
11. WiFi indicator : LEDs for indicating the WiFi communication status
12. WPS key
press the key, the EMW3162 will start WPS matching
press the key and hold it for 5 seconds, the EMW3162 will recover to
factory setting EASYLINK key
press the key, the EMW3162 will start EasyLink matching
13. RESET key
14. Power indicator
15. WiFi serial port configuration jumpers
communicate with the EMW3162 through USB TO UART interface.
communicate with the EMW3162 through Arduino interface.
The WiFi module EMW3162 :
transmission firmware
High stability, hardly goes down
Ultra low power consumption, online standby 7mA only
Optional antenna, onboard antenna OR external antenna via IPEX
The base board :
Compatible with Arduino interface, use UART only
Works as an Arduino WiFi Shield, connects to Arduino boards like : UNO,
Leonardo, Nucleo, Xnucleo, etc.
Works as an Arduino WiFi board, allows connecting with Arduino shields
Onboard USB to UART converter FT230XS, for UART debugging and/or
firmware updating
Onboard WiFi TX/RX LEDs, indicating the WiFi communication status
Supports EasyLink fast matching (instant networking by pushing the SSID
and password of the wireless router via smart phone APP)
for configuration errors)
Development Resources:
Wiki : www.waveshare.com/wiki/EMW3162_WIFI_Shield